Sunday, July 10, 2011

Louis Vuitton Luggages is seeking to extend

In a recent New York Times discussed the new restaurant in Manhattan, the Brooklyneer, is dedicated to all things Louis Vuitton Nomade Leather. From the locally brewed beer and whiskey like the old town pickles, hot dogs, cheese and jam manual food restaurants brought some of the best products, from Brooklyn to Manhattan , and all those who want to visit to experience it.This paper presents some interesting observations, we also note that led the nature of Williams amp Sonoma gap / Coolhunting pop-up store collaboration seems to be the number of companies and brands to provide non-Brooklynites borough that DIY cool.Portland green spirit (and age of high fashion, classic cuisine and a romantic Paris) packaging to a wider audience.

It is clear that Brooklyn has become increasingly apparent and the production of capital and product-related ideas in the past few years, it (some would say decades) , from music to fashion, and now especially in food and recognition now likely to hit the mainstream. So it seems,Louis Vuitton Luggages is seeking to extend the brand and marketing Brooklyn Brooklyn brand of non-residents, in various forms.The package, branding, packaging and urban retail (or administrative) S personalityis not new, and no one will be surprised. Bearing from the East Village Japanese tea, candy, cartoons and toys, these bearings Portland coffee shop, we saw the led to the Japanese toys and animated cartoons.

Interestingly, in addition to Brooklyns that the creative product, is what makes so much attention of late is its food. Replica Louis Vuitton may just be told to play a leading role in the growing of food is what is interesting in today's cultural landscape and cool to play.Talking about , Cool , a large spacecraft in a recent discussion of how some Web sites may try money cool by making it easier for consumers to pull up the exact same equipment, or to see their favorite icon cool. Perhaps the concept of monetization applies not only to help cool people wear cool, but to help them experience the DIY cool and way of life and, like Brooklyn Borough, or as related in Portland, while they are in Miami, Houston or San Diego living.The Brooklyneer


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